Watch Interstellar Online Streaming
Watch Interstellar Online Streaming

Watch Interstellar Online Streaming, But the way Nolan cuts back and forth between these events has a deleterious effect on the dramatic tension. Every time we start to feel the cosmic chill of being huddled up in a space craft with a bunch of other homesick travellers, or feel a shudder of wonderment at a shot of a distant planet, the action cuts back to events back on planet Earth. Instead of remaining with Cooper his companions, and allowing the audience to feel their loneliness and claustrophobia, Nolan and editor Lee Smith remove us from it. In its more languid  moments, Interstellar feels less like a daring head-first dive into the unknown and more like an austere science lecture. Compared to Interstellar, other SF films about space and the unknown, such as Danny Boyle’s Sunshine and Robert Zemeckis’s Contact, are like a colourful episode of Lost In Space.

Watch Interstellar Online Free

Having said all this, it’s important not to downplay just how good Interstellar is when it does burst into life. The design of its ships, AI machines and space suits are magnificent, and production designer Nathan Crowley brings a pleasing realism and freshness to familiar genre gadgets and staples. There's even a great ship interior that recalls one described by Arthur C Clarke in his novel Rendezvous With Rama. Above all, though, Interstellar is a rare example of a nine-figure art movie. Only a director with a string of blockbuster hits behind him could get such a film made, and we can only wonder what Tinseltown’s executives must have thought when they saw what Nolan had produced with their (reported) $165m budget.

What’s difficult to say, especially after one viewing, is whether Interstellar should be regarded as a flawed masterpiece or disjointed space oddity - after all, not everyone appreciated Kubrick’s genre touchstone the first time around, either, and that’s now rightly regarded as a classic. For us, at least on first viewing, Interstellar doesn’t quite hit home as satisfyingly as Nolan’s previous films did. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to head back to the cinema and wonder again at the finer details to be found in its bleak future world.

If you loved Christopher Nolan's other films, go and see Interstellar without reading this review. Otherwise, it contains as few spoilers as possible...

Christopher Nolan is a filmmaker obsessed with the human mind: whether its capacity to dream (Inception), to fail (Memento) or to be tricked (The Prestige). His subject in Interstellar -- his most ambitious film to date ­-- is the mind's capacity for imagination: to think beyond the physical world, whether our literal world of planet Earth or the very limits of quantum physics. Interstellar is a film that simultaneously venerates science, yet asks you to suspend your disbelief. The result is a film of dazzling, galactic ambition, that is ultimately undone by earthbound problems.

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